Coloured polythene makes your products stand out. Coloured polythene can be opaque or tinted dependant on your requirements. By adding colour to your polythene you can categorise your products quickly prevent polythene contamination hide the contents and also create a contrast for print designs. Blue polythene is widely used in the food industry as this colour is easily spotted should a piece of polythene find its way into a food product. Yellow polythene with a black printed stripe is widely used to mark hazardous waste.
The array of colours is vast and here at NPF Packaging we can cater for almost all colours.
Polythene is naturally clear. During the extrusion process colour masterbatches are added to the polythene to give the desired level of colour. Lower treat rates result in a tinted polythene which retains a certain level of transparency. Higher treat rates result in an opaque polythene.
To find out more and for coloured polythene prices get in touch with us we’d love to hear from you.
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